Under A Burnt Orange Sky


Welcome to the official landing page for Under A Burnt Orange Sky, a short fantasy/sci-fi adventure from first-time filmmaker Heston L'Abbé. Please enjoy the final film, embedded above. Thanks for visiting!

Contact: info@hestonlabbe.com


27 March 2024

Calgary Underground Film Festiavl laurels

Under A Burnt Orange Sky has been selected for the twenty-first annual Calgary Underground Film Festival! Writer/director Heston L'Abbé will be in attendance for the screening on Friday 19 April 2024. Come say hi if you're in the stampede city this spring!

25 October 2023

Hellifax 2023 Winner Best Effects laurels

Under A Burnt Orange Sky has won the award for Best Effects at the fourth annual Hellifax Horror Fest in Halifax Nova Scotia! This marks the first win for the film as well as for the filmmaker. Although he was unable to recieve the award in person, Heston was thrilled by the news and thanks the team and panel at Hellifax for their astute eye and excellent taste.

12 October 2023

Hellifax 2023 Official Selection laurels

Heston is pleased to announce that Under A Burnt Orange Sky has been selected for the fourth annual Hellifax Horror Fest in Halifax Nova Scotia!

Catch the screening at:

  • 11h00
  • Saturday 21 October 2023
  • Carbon Arc Independent Cinema   1747 Summer Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Click here for full program details.

    21 July 2023


    UBOS has received its first movie review! And it's positive! Check it out here at bloody-flicks.co.uk

    06 July 2023

    Fantasia 2023 Official Selection laurels

    Heston is pleased to announce that Under A Burnt Orange Sky will premiere at Fantasia Festival 2023 on opening night as part of the Les Fantastiques Week-Ends Du Cinéma Québécois showcase!

    The screening will take place at:

  • 20h30
  • Friday 21 July 2023
  • Cinéma du Musée   1379-A Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, Québec, H3G 1K3
  • Click here for more info.

    Director's Statement

    [A photograph of Heston L'Abbé] UBOS official poster

    Under A Burnt Orange Sky is my first serious foray into filmmaking. A lighthearted romp through a Fallout/Mad-Max inspired post-apocalypse, UBOS aims not for thematic profundity but is rather an attempt at technical mastery: can our modest team make some pretty pictures which, when pieced together in this magic we call cinema, make an audience feel suspense or excitement? Even just a little?

    Entirely self-funded and self-produced, UBOS was also a experiment to see how close I can get, with my limited means, to the scale and scope of the films which inspire me. It was a true labour of love, and I hope it shows. Enjoy!

    Official Presskit: download

    Contact: info@hestonlabbe.com

    Site update: Tuesday 28 May 2024